
admin / 2016.3.24 / 21:43 pm

报关费是多少钱 0+

 3) 当海关要求开箱查验货物,应提前与场站取得联系,调配机力将所查箱子调至海关指定的场站。(事先应现场站确认好调箱费、掏箱费。) 2. 若是法检商品应办理验货手续。
  如需商检 ,则要在报关前,拿进口 商检 申请单(带公章)和两份报单办理登记手续,并在报关单上盖 商检 登记在案章以便通关。验货手续在最终目的地办理。
  3. 海关通关放行后应去三检大厅办理三检,向大厅内的代理报验机构提供箱单、发票、合同报关单,由他们代理报验。报验后,可在大厅内统一窗口交费,并在白色提货单上盖三检放行章。 SCHENKERsky allows you to coordinate your freight more flexibly and efficiently.

DB Schenker is your reliable partner in transporting your goods even to the remotest corners of the earth. The extensive transport links we offer based on our cooperation with first-class carriers means you enjoy maximum global presence. And we save you precious time and money.

Competence based on experience

As one of the pioneers in the air freight industry, we are one of the market leaders in the delivery of innovative air freight concepts today. That enables us to offer our customers a full range of sophisticated, expert services on a global level.

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