
admin / 2019.12.24 / 17:56 pm

深圳国际海运Spain 0+

专业从事国际海运、国际空运、国际货代、国际物流,通过世界各大代理网络面向世界各个国家和地区,为国内外进出口商、生产商等提供安全、快捷、优质的全球物流与供应链服务。提供世界各主要城市和港口的清关、转运、运费到付、上门服务及进口货运、深圳国际空运、深圳国际货代、深圳国际海运等各项服务。坚持诚信的原则,始终把客户的利益放在首位,不断完善服务内容,努力提高服务质量,积极打造企业品牌。主要在日本、韩国、台湾、东南亚、中东、澳洲、欧美、非洲等航线有较强的运价优势。PIL、NYK、CMA、OOCL、WANHAI、CSCL、TS-LINE、MSC、K-LINE、HAPAG-LLOYD、MAERSK、YANGMING、EVER GREEN、COSCO、ZIM等全球知名船公司建立了良好而长期的合作关系。透过多元化的海运增值服务,提高综合服务质量。以量大争取船东的优势合约运价,增强公司的竞争优势;以利薄帮助客户降低物流成本,以诚信获取客户的信任。重视高科技建设和现代化管理,与航空公司、船务公司、港口、码头、海关、商检等部门实行联网操作,实现进出口报关报检EDI无纸化运作,第一时间了解货物的流通状态,准确及时做出快速反应。

为保障客户利益,联兴引进了先进的国际物流管理系统,迅速全方位的跟进服务、适时周到的信息反馈,拥有从业多年的资深、敬业专职人员为您效力,以倾力确保每一个环节畅顺无误,为保障贵司的每一批货物安全,优质完成您的每一次所托,不负所望。 国际海运集装箱-整箱/拼箱运输

日韩 东南亚 欧洲 地中海 美加 非洲 南美
Ocean freight as the heart transportation manner to be chosen by most global freight Forwarder. Sunway provides optimize route and attractive rate to handle your cargo safely.

We promote the diversified and customized service to satisfy your demand. No matter the sufficient space during the peak seasons or competitive rate for VIP client and the carrier you most like and volume project partner you looking for.

Significant Support from Carriers
As the remarkable freight forwarder, we work closely with extensive global and original carriers; get their significant support not only rate, space and the help in origin and destination, supporting you more outstanding in competitive transport market.

Our supporting:
◆ Professional local service supported by high-quality teams of each branch in Chinese basic port
and inland
◆ VIP Account Department kept all situation in control
◆ Amazing rate and service supported by extensive carriers
◆ Sufficient space from multiple carrier in peak seasons
◆ Cargo process in ocean tracking system
◆ Document management
◆ Customs clearance
◆ Cargo insurance service
◆ Pick-up, delivery and distribution

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