
admin / 2021.12.7 / 9:32 pm

旧金山北非线 0+

ith the variety of items being shipped throughout the world we’ve expanded our shipping services to ensure that we can help everyone. Whether you need to send a small package or a large package our shipping services can adapt to your needs.

View a complete list of countries we ship to.

Examples of items we ship:北非线
北非线位于非洲大陆北部,习惯上用作撒哈拉以北的大片地区。面积837万平方公里。北非经度范围:东经约36度(埃及红海)-西经约16度(西撒哈拉),纬度范围:北纬19度(阿尔及利亚)-北纬37度(地中海,突尼斯Ben.Cica) . 北非主要港口: 阿尔及利亚:ALGIERS、SKIKDA、ORAN、摩洛哥:CASABLANCA、AGADIR、突尼斯:TUNIS、利比亚:MISURATAH、BINGAZI、TRIPOLI。

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