
admin / 2012.11.9 / 16:58 pm

New York/Newark /New Jersey 0+


经营2000平方米的仓库,提供储存、机械化装卸,设备齐全, 可机械及人工装卸货物, 卸船. 卸车入库. 装箱、配送货物等一整套完善的服务。



环球通物流多年来从事各类型工程项目物流服务,从客户的需求出发进行全面的综合分析,提供完善的运输方案,周密的应变措施,辅以统筹协调,实地监督,积累了相当丰富的项目实施经验。项目物流服务综合了包括铁路、公路、内河、海运、空运等多种运输方式以及国内外清关、目的地交付等服务。工程项目包括: 能源项目,石化项目,基建项目等等。

为了满足客户多样化的需求,我们分布在全国的24家分公司和遍布全球的海外代理可以在不同的地区提供同样优质的服务。这种链接式的操作使得原本方便、快捷、经济的高效服务更加天衣无缝。我们的具有丰富知识及经验的专业人员能及时有效地为客户提供海运、空运、报关、内陆运输、仓储等全面的服务。公司透过多元化的海运增值服务,提高综合服务质量。 Cooperation (MOFTEC) of China (Document No.: MOTFTEC 19502).It is also a non-vessel-operating common carrier ratified by the Ministry of Communications of China (Document No.: MOC-NVO0364). Formerly known as Shenzhen Taierxin Logistics Agency Ltd., which was founded in Shenzhen in 1994, with its head office on the 9th floor of Shekou Seaview Plaza, it got its present name in 2000, and set up many branches in the major port cities in China such as Qingdao, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Ningbo, Shanghai, etc. In 2003, our company was on the list of the top 100 logistical and forwarding companies in Shenzhen, known for their market integrity. Its subsidiary,Shenzhen Feida Logistics Development (Holdings) Co., Ltd., is mainly engaged in overland container transportation, warehousing and distribution services.

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