
admin / 2013.1.10 / 16:16 pm

Dunedin, New Zealand 0+

拥有一支100多人的高素质服务团队。公司核心管理团队拥有物流管理、工商管理、国际贸易等专业博士、硕士、学士学历,在跨国货代、本土知名物流企业、跨国制造企业的物流方案设计、物流项目管理、关务税务会计管理部门多年的历练,积累了政策研究、方案设计、运营管理、项目运作、团队合作等方面的丰富经验。鼎辰多数员工在跨国货代、本土知名物流企业、跨国制造企业物流关务部门的从业多年,拥有物流、关务、货运、仓储的实际操作、基层管理经验。鼎辰国际自创建之日起,一直持续打造价值共建、快乐共享、自我实现、成果分享的广阔舞台。the Dragon logistics market will continue to be unique and people-oriented vision, indomitable spirit, keep making progress, identify the direction of the company's strengths and market positioning, high-level efforts to build practical and capable professional management, operational and logistical support staff, continue to cling to build a more professional standard and quality and honest service concept of the team, build in the domestic and international logistics market and the industry with a considerable level of strength and service platform and capacity, create a unique brand of influential industry advantageTo quality services, advanced management concepts to provide safe, timely, high quality, efficient logistics services, determined to become a national brand with considerable influence in the integrated logistics companies, and gradually in the third-party logistics market as well as comprehensive logistics occupies a place.

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